Monday, September 14, 2009


Ugh, I don't even know where to start on this one. A while back, Mimi & Pops bought Coop a tackle box with sharks on it. Well, he has been carrying it around telling everyone that it's his PURSE! He brought it Friday night when we all went to eat Mexican. He had lots of trains in it, some cars, and even an airplane. Pretty handy actually, because then my "purse" isn't full of such toys. While we were eating, Coop had to go potty, and had to bring his "purse". He even made me hang his "purse" on the hook on the back of the stall door!!! NOT GOOD! Attention all females who come in contact with Cooper - - DO NOT, under any circumstance, call your purse a "purse". Please call it: Train Box, Toy Holder, Fun Bag, hell even Satchel would be fine!!!! Just do NOT use the "P" word!!

Here are some pics of Cooper and his Toy Holder...

1 comment:

The Sonnedeckers said...

Tell him it's a murse instead - Chris LOVES when i call his book bag (that he carries our gun in) a murse - hehe