Wednesday, September 30, 2009

North Georgia State Fair

The North GA State Fair is in town for the next couple weeks, so last night we decided was the PERFECT night to take Cooper. Our good friends Alan & "B-Nessa" came too!! It was nice and cool out - Coop and I even wore long sleeve shirts!!! As soon as we got there, Cooper wanted to go on the "Fewis Wheel". He was really excited about going around and around and around. He was SO excited. Well, his hopes and dreams were crushed -- he was 4" too short to ride. :( Hopefully next year he will be tall enough. Here is a pic of the big wheel...

After that dissappointment we decided we would eat dinner. Cooper ate an ENTIRE corn dog and a bunch of fries. He kept leaning over to me and saying "This is DEEEEE-LICIOUS!!"

I must say that the kid rides are really quite lame. Not really sure what I was expecting, but I do know i was expecting more.

Cooper must not have been impressed either. We stopped at EVERY kids ride to see if he would ride it, and he kept saying, "I better not". He did want to ride every ride that was fast and went upsidedown. I'm tellin' ya, if he would have been tall enough, he would have ridden them all.

He liked the big empty pavilion. He thought the wheelchair and stoller marks were AWESOME.

This is one of my favorite shots. I love how he walks around like Pops. heheh

Cooper named everything we came across. I really wish I could think of the names, they were quite funny. And he was DEAD serious!! He named this huge cow (can't remember what), but told me it made chocolate milk. Travis reminded me the name of the Cow... Cooper called it "Karen the Cow"!!
We walked through the little live animal section - and apparently poor Coop is REALLY allergic to something in there. His face got red and puffy QUICK. Because of that, we kept our animal visits short. REALLY short.
In this pic, you can really see his puffy eyes.... poor thing. At the end of the night, on the way out, we walked up to a child sized obastacle course. Cooper LOVED it! Absolutely LOOOVED it. He must have gone on it 6 or 7 times. It was SOOOO cute! He (sometimes) patiently waited in line, gave his tickets to "the man", listened while they said the rules, and raced through it. He's growing up so fast. Here he is waiting with his tickets... I tried to get a picture of the entire course, but I couldn't get it all in one shot...

We stayed at the fair until about 10:15, and Cooper was STILL up and ready to play. I thought for SURE he was going to fall asleep on the way home, but he didn't. He was acting goofy in the backseat by making "hair" out of his blanket. I think all the healthy fried food got to him. :)

We all had a GREAT time, and are actually heading back on Thursday night with more friends.

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