Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Baths & Nonsense

Cooper loves taking baths these days. Thank god, since he's now taking them with Bleach. Sounds cruel, but its helping out his skin dramatically!! (and apparently i have some hella colorful bath towels!)Daddy took a picture of him balancing a wash cloth on his head. Its kind of a fuzzy pic, but you can definitely see the concentration on his face...

I took Cooper to the "Ticket Store" last night. Its actually the Shell Gas Station, but he made up a new name for it, since we were going there to cash in my winning lotto tickets. Apparently i've never taken him INTO a gas station before, because he was amazed at all the candy. (Which is quite hilarious, since he doesn't even like candy!) Silly Boy. Cooper picked out 2 lotto tickets for us to try.... they had Harley Davidsons on them, which, i'm sure, is what caught his eye. Unfortunately, we didn't win anything off them. He did get some gummy worms outa the deal!

Side note: On the way to the Ticket Store yesterday, I was telling Coop that he's silly. He fired back with "you're a pain in da ass". Guess I need to watch what I saw around my little guy, as I'm pretty positive i've said that before. Luckily, he's a quick learner, and knows now that he can't say that.

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