Monday, August 3, 2009

The Weekend

This weekend was pretty relaxing. Saturday morning we got up and went to Mount Tabor Park. We walked around the trails for a bit, then headed to the lake to throw rocks at the ducks. (That night we back and FED the ducks... to make up for the earlier rock bashing). by the way, cooper is really into duck poop. He crouches down next to it, and tells us to smell it. WTF! - must be a boy thing!
After the visit to the part we spent some time with the Culps at Grandma's pool. Grandma would down visiting Grandpa, so we all headed over for some swimming. Cooper still will only "swim" on the stairs. Altho, he did take a spin around the pool in a little blue boat, all by himself. He and Brock have more fun running around like monkeys.

Sunday was a rainy day, so we stayed in and played. Daddy and Cooper even made a fort.... and Cooper watched Clifford the Big Red Dog... while sitting in it.
After a while, Daddy fell asleep IN the fort, so Cooper went up and got his big kitty, and watched Clifford on him. His "kitty" has multiple names: Snowbawl, Kitty, Me-ow... I think he forgets what he originally named it, so just keeps assigning new ones.

1 comment:

Cam said...

The picture of him on the cat is awesome. Almost looks real.