Monday, August 31, 2009

Rainy Georgia Weekend

This weekend was pretty rainy, however we get some good pics. Saturday Cooper decided he wanted to dress himself, thats why he's wearing a goofy outfit. (He even put a heavy jacket on as well). Coop and Daddy headed out to one of Daddy's jobsites to take some measurements.
After that it was time to head home and get ready for a Cookout at Alan & Vanessas. We did convince him to chance clothes, thank god!! Cooper has been getting bloody noses... a LOT. A WHOLE lot actually. This picture was taken after the 3rd bloody nose of the day... poor buddy.

(His Linus shirt cracks me up! I LOVE it!!! -- thanks Tiffanie!!)

Here are some pics with his awesome shirt outside...

I didn't get any pics from the Cook-Out, but Cooper actually lasted till 10pm! It was great fun, and we look forward to many more in the future!!

OH- and I can't forget about this picture. Mommy bought Cooper some AWESOME Spongebob swim trunks. He REALLY liked how Spongebob was on his butt... so we took this pic and sent it to Tiffanie & Joe, and Mimi & Pops...

1 comment:

Mrs. Wall said...

I love the swim shorts. Too cute!