Monday, August 10, 2009

HOT, HOT Georgia Summers

Well, its official, I am tired of this hot Georgia weather. It is seriously too hot to do anything outside!! The only think to do, is swim.... so thats exactly what we did. We packed up and headed to Grandma's. Cooper had to play with some trains before we could swim... so while he did that, I snapped some pics...

Coopers idea of "swimming" still only consists of playing on the stairs. He gets SUPER pissed if you take him for a stroll in the pool. NOT a happy camper. We think the reason he's not a fan is because he can't touch the bottom. His feet are getting really close though, so we're hoping he'll get over it soon!

Cooper also likes to water the grass.... he "waters" a different spot every time he's gotta go.

He likes "floating" more on the deck than the pool...

Thank god Gwamma has a pool... otherwise we'd be hermits stuck inside the house, watching movies and playing trains.

The Hall Family is officially ready for Fall!

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