Wednesday, June 24, 2009

T-Ball Game - #1

Last Saturday was Coopers very first T-Ball game. We thought it was going to be so nice outside since they were playing at 9am... NOT. It was still hot as all hell. Here is a pic of Cooper with his cousins waiting for the fun to begin... (yes, that is Cooper in the middle... being shy)
Gwamma bought the boys T-Ball Helmets, Cooper LOVES his, and likes to wear it ALL the time...
Cooper is really not a fan of playin the the field at ALL. He would rather bat, and run like hell. He has extremely short attention span while in the field, and ends up picking grass, weeds, 2nd base, whatever is there, he'll fiddle with it.
Then it was break time for Cooper, he gives himself his own breaks... the team doesn't take them, just cooper. He drinks LOTS of Capri Suns (flavored water) ones while playing...
And he's up to bat... lucky for me he grabbed the Blue bat!!! (Whoohoo, last time he would only use the pink one)
Daddy didn't get an action shot, but he DID hit it, and ran as fast as he could to first...
Mommy stuck with him running the bases. He was doing great till all the parents were cheering on their own kids, and telling them where to run. Cooper was so confused, he didn't know who he was supposed to listen to. So he raced mommy to each base (and he won, of course). I'm really not sure why he has to look at his feet when he runs, but he does!
WOOOHOO and he's comin into home plate!!...
Overall the game was a success, Cooper is getting better and better, and is understanding the game more and more. Coopers Coach brought snacks and juice for everyone after the game was over...
After the game, the boys sat together and chatted about the game...

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