Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dermatologist Visit

Yesterday we took Cooper (FINALLY) to the Dermatologist about his HORRIBLE eczema. The doctors office is right down the street from our house in a brand new building, and Cooper LOVED the elevator, which he calls the "escavator". Why is it that when kids get in elevators, they have to be so nois?. Man, this kid was L O U D, guess he liked to hear his voice echo. It wasn't like he was screaming, just the volume you use when taking to Big Grandpa (hehehehe sorry big grandpa!) We got to our appointment 15 minutes late, and because of that, we had to wait an hour to see the doctor. Cooper was a real trooper tho - He sat in the chair like a big boy. I was sooo proud.
He was in an excellent mood, and couldn't wait for the Doctor to come in and "fix him right up!".
I just can't beleive how tall he is! He even looks tall sittin up in the Dermatologist chair!!!! He's definitely going to be tall like daddy.

The doctor gave us 4 perscriptions... a strong topical Steroid for his entire body (except face), so we can try to control the exzema... then a different (less potent) ointment for his face, along with an ointment for his finger (which is HORRIBLE looking from itching it so much). She also recommended we add 2 tablespoons of CLOROX BLEACH to his bathwater. Daddy and I thought this lady was a bit crazy when she mentioned it. It made sense though, so daddy tried it last night - it made his entire body pink, but Cooper didn't seem to mind or be bothered by the bleach at all. Dr Vaughn said its been proven to help a bunch. Hell, we'll try anything! Hopefully we can get his poor skin under control - and keep the munchkin Itch- Free.

I took some video of Cooper in the docs office... he was being hilarious.... it DEFINTELY pays to carry my camera with me everywhere!

Lately Cooper has been on this kick of saying, in a really deep voice, "I think Mommy is crazy at this time", well I got lucky and got him on video saying it about daddy. HA! it cracks me up!!


Anonymous said...

15 mins late???? seems like I remember you being late for stuff when we were in school too :) sorry had to tease you.

anyhow...bleach will help :)

Cooper is too cute!!!

Ashleigh said...

I LOOOOOOVVVEEEE this pictures. he's so cute.