Tuesday, June 9, 2009

First Day at T-Ball Practice...

Yesterday was the first day of T-Ball practice. All the coaches set up "stations", where each child needed to bat, throw, field, and catch in order for the coaches to get their skill level and put them on an appropriate team. The field we were on was right in the sun, absolutely NO shade, and it was hot as hell, to put it nicely. There were so many hot crabby kids on that field, and I think Cooper was the crabbiest.
he sure is a handsome little T-Ball player though!
Lucky for us, Cooper gets to play with his cousins. The three of them are like the three stooges.
Here he is at the first station: Fielding. He never was able to stop the ball, but sure did have fun trying!
Next stop... Throwing. If you have ever seen Cooper throw, you know it is quite HILARIOUS. He has this weird wind-up and side throw. It NEVER goes to the same place, and he puts so much force behind it, that people usually duck when they see the wind up. He got more and more crabby as we progressed from station to station - he definitely doesn't take heat well (like his mommy). The coach was trying to show Cooper how to throw over hand, and he didn't want any part of it. Daddy had to be close by for moral support.
Time for a water break....
Then onto the third stop, batting. They started off pitching to the kids, and I'm not really sure why. I mean, its T-Ball right? Cooper would rather hold the bat upside down. After the quick lesson on which end to hold, he creams the T-Ball stand. There was no ball to bat contact with Cooper.
Last but not least, we headed to the Catching station. They had this set up like the Fielding Station, and we didn't get pics at it. At this point Cooper was done. He was extemely hot and crabby. They handed him back his "ticket"... or report card, as I called it.
He got a 2 in Batting, a 1 in Catching, a 3 in Fielding, and a 1 in throwing. The coaches were picking teams last night, but told us all they would email the results, so we didn't need to stick around. Games will be held on Saturday mornings at 9am, starting 6/20/09. Practices are every Monday from 5:30-6:30 pm. Hopefully Cooper will get better after each Practice and game.

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