Monday, June 15, 2009

Alan & Vanessa's Wedding

Saturday June 13th, 2009, we attended Alan & Vanessa's Wedding (and is also Coopers 3rd Birthday!!! - more on that later). It was BEAUTIFUL. Cooper had the honor of being the ring bearer. And boy was he the cutest, most handsome ring bearer EVER. We were worried at first that he wasn't going to walk down the aisle, however we worried for nothing, as he walked down with NO problem! Here is a pic of him after we got him all dressed:
For some reason, Cooper would NOT stand with the Groomsmen for group photos. I was able to snap a few of him with Daddy.... what a handsome pair.

I did not get any pictures of him walking down the aisle, but am sure the photographers got some good ones. He followed the two flower girls, once he got to me at the front of the church, he says to me "Mommy, those girls made a MESS!!". Yes Cooper they did make a mess, but that is their job. ha, his comments definitely got some giggles from those sitting around us. As soon as Vanessa walked down the aisle, Coopers eyes got big, and he says, "Mommy, look at the princess!!!". It was too cute, and she definitely looked like a princess!

Here's a pic of Cooper and Sydney (one of the flower girls). Cooper even escorted her into the reception. He held her hand for the introduction and parade to the dance floor, TOO CUTE!

Here's a lil family pic... can you tell the sun was in our eyes!

Everyone got a kick out of Coops "wife beater", they were calling this his Chippendales outfit...
Since the wedding day was also Cooper's birthday (along with 3 other people), the bride and Groom had cupcakes to celebrate...
Coop and Daddy even hit the dance floor for a bit....

We had a GREAT time at the wedding and reception. At 11pm, we ended up heading home. Cooper never once got whiney, he was trooper!


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