Monday, March 8, 2010


For the past couple of months, our mini Dalmation, Bentley, has been losing weight and sleeping more than normal. So last week, I took him to the vet to see what was going on. Dr. Henson couldn't find anything abnormal, so we decided bloodwork was the way to go. She took a blood and urine sample, and sent it off. We received the call late Saturday afternoon that our 5.5 year old Bentley has kidney failure. :( After talking with the Doc on Saturday, we've decided to bring Bentley into the vets office where he will receive fluid treatments for the next three days. They will then re-draw blood, and hope the "numbers" are better. Depending on that blood test, we will decide what to do next. Here he is on the car ride to the vet this morning....
and here he is 5.5 years ago.. when he was just a tiny lil thing.
We've also decided to be honest with Cooper about Bentley. He knows Bentley is sick, and knows he is going to be at the doctor's office for the next few days. Hopefully "Bendy" will come back to us happy and healthy(er) towards the end of the week. :)

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