Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bentley 09/04/04 - 03/15/10

As many of you know, our Mini Dalmation Bentley was diagnosed with Kidney Failure on Friday March 5th. He went into the vets office, where he stayed for 4 days to get Fluid Treatments in hopes of flushing his kidneys. On Thursday March 11, we took Bentley to a specialist at the Cobb Emergency Vet, where Dr. Lindsey Boozer performed an ultrasound. She found his kidneys in horrible shape, and also found he had extremely high blood pressure. Dr. Boozer put Bentley on 3 different meds in hopes of making him feel better. He did not eat a thing for 4 days after that, so I made an appointment on Monday March 15, in hopes the doctor could give him something to make him better. So, at 4pm, Cooper, Bentley and I headed back to the emergency vet. The doc was concerned about him not having an appetite, so they did another ultrasound, and took more blood to check his kidney levels. The ultra sound proved he had fluid is his chest, and the bloodwork told an even worse story. His kidney levels had doubled in 4 days, meaning the kidney disease was progressing at a very fast speed. The doc gave us two options... they could teach us how to give him fluids under the skin, to keep him going. She said it wouldn't make him "better", and it wouldn't make him eat, it'd pretty much just keep him alive, that his quality of life "wouldn't be good". And they didn't know how long it would work for... it could be a few days, maybe a few weeks. That if this was the route we chose, he'd lay on the couch, and that would be about it. After discussing it as a family, we decided that we couldn't make him suffer just for the sake of us being able to cuddle him longer. We made the extremely hard choice to put him down. We like to think that Bentley was reunited with Tonka up in doggie heaven. Everyday Cooper asks if we can go back and pick up "Bwentee". He doesn't understand that he is gone. A few months back, Gwamma bought him a stuffed animal that looks JUST like Bentley- Cooper carries this dog everywhere.

We will miss you Bentley!!

1 comment:

Gwamma said...

I even miss his whining. He was a GREAT dog! Glad he came to Gwamma's with Cooper most days. We will miss you Bentley!