Friday, January 22, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away

I wish this wet weather would go away. We've been trying to burn some christmas Trees, however the backyard is soggy. Yesterday, on the way to Gramma's, it was raining pretty hard. Cooper was mad cuz the rain was too loud and he couldn't hear his CD (its a CD book about Gorillas). This was our conversation:

Coop: Mommy, those cwouds up there have motors.
Mommy: They do??
Coop: Yep, thats how they make rain, and thats why its woud (loud).
Mommy: How do the motors get way up there?
Coop: [while shaking his head] Dey just jump up there.
Mommy: Are the clouds strong enough to hold motors?
Coop: Yes Mommy, if dey weren't, then dey wouldn't have motors.

The kid has one helluva imagination.

1 comment:

The Sonnedeckers said...

Duh Lyndsay - if the clouds weren't strong enough, they wouldn't have motors - Gosh!! does he have to tell you EVERY THING?!