Thursday, February 4, 2010

Painting Cars

Last weekend mommy had to go to the "Fabric Store" (Joanns) to pick up a few things, and Daddy and Cooper found this awesome paintable car. Cooper had a BLAST painting it.
He started off doing just one color at a time, then quickly switched to dipping his little brush into each color before painting his car.
(WOW his hair is long! HA!! Don't worry, "Ka-wi" is going to cut it for him on Sunday.)
Here's his almost finished project, drying...
and her is the completely finished project. Daddy helped him put the stickers on it...

I'm gonna have to buy a bunch more of those things!!! That was fun!!

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

um.. that thing is AWESOME! way to go coop! I'm gonna have to get some of those!