Tuesday, July 14, 2009

While Mommy was gone....

While I was visiting the crazy Larson clan in Minnesota, Daddy and Cooper were spending some guy time together. Here are some pics Daddy sent me while I was gone, looks like they had a LOT of fun!! mmmmmm Waffle House!!
and he now has 14 trains and coaches. (when I left, he had probably 10 - Cooper has Daddy wrapped around his little finger!)
Cooper told Daddy that he needed to park lightning mcqueen in his garage "so nobody steals him"...
They did a lot of yard work too...
and some swimmin' in their underwear... (well at least Cooper was)
and more yardwork...
Gotta cool of your head when you get hot!...
or maybe the best way to cool off is to just stand in a bucket of water...
When that gets boring, why not antagonize Frank & Henry... the neighbors ducks. After all, they've chased Cooper around the yard before, payback is a $%tch.
Cooper mowed the yard right before a thunderstorm. The same thunderstorm that was the reason mommy got stuck on a plane forever, and landed 5 hours later than she should have!
I sure am glad to be back, and able to join in on the fun!

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