Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Celebration Breakfast

After a successful last T-Ball Game, we took Cooper to McDonalds for a celebration breakfast. After he ate, it was time to play!
We were lucky enough, that we were the only people in the play place, so I decided to play with him, and got some great pics!
he was really into posing for the camera...
After every picture, he had to "wook" at it, and tell me that it was "coopa" in them.
I can't beleive how fast the munchkin is growing. He's getting so incredibly tall, its CRAZY!
Daddy and Cooper - nose to nose... On the way home, my coolant line in the car busted, so Daddy and Cooper fixed it. Cooper LOVES fixing cars... Pointing to the Windshield Washer holder, Coop says to me "Mommy, don't touch that, its VEWY HOT!!"

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