Monday, July 20, 2009

T-Ball Game - #4

This past Saturday, was the 4th T-Ball game of the season. The weather couldn't have been more perfect. It was about 60* when we started, and maybe 68* by the time the game was over. Daddy was the coach for this game, as our regular coach was out of town. Daddy did GREAT, but Cooper was NOT a happy camper, that other kids were standing so close to him. Here are some of the things Cooper said:
"Thats MY Daddy!!"
"I don't want him talking to MY daddy!"
"I don't want my daddy to give him a five!" (high five)
Cooper actually hit a home run as well!!! (It wasn't REALLY a home run, it just took forever for the opposing team to get to the ball), and Cooper ran around all the bases 3 WHOLE TIMES! He just kept running, and running, and running. It really is too bad we don't keep score at these games, i'm positive Coop racked up 10 points just by running!! This pic is of him rounding home plate the SECOND time... At every game, all the kids put their helmets in one spot, as there are some kids that don't have helmets, so this way, everyone can wear one when its their turn to bat. Well, out of ALLLLL the hemlets, Cooper can only wear his own, everyone else's is WAY to small. This upset Cooper because there was a red helmet he REALLY wanted to wear. Coach Daddy helping out Cooper and his pink bat...He does have great form, while waiting for the ball... he gets impatient QUICK though, and will start picking up rocks, and putting them in his pockets. (The rocks actually made it through my washing machine AND dryer yesterday ~ they are awfully clean now). While waiting to bat, he was admiring his shadow. He had me cracking up when he says "WOOK at my BIG head!!" Yes, Cooper, you DO have a mighty big head! I'm not sure what it is about the pink bat, but he ALWAYS bypasses the black one and the orange one.... At the end of every game, both teams line up, to give eachother High Fives. Cooper went through the line, giving everyone a high-five, then chased each of them down again, for another. Then when he finished with that, he stood there, with his arm up waiting for anyone to hit his hand. Silly boy.

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