Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Doctors Visit

This morning, Coop and I headed to see his favorite doctor.... Dr. Saade. Cooper LOVES going to see Dr Saade because he always gets a sticker when we're done. (this time was no different!)

The poor little guy has an ear infection and a MAD MAD rash. (its even on his cute little face). I asked about doing another Allergy Test, and we've decided we are going to wait till closer to his birthday, give his little body a chance to get rid of the ear infection, and he perscribed some Allegra, so he wants to see if that'll help any.

While we were waiting at Publix for our perscriptions, Cooper wanted to try on bunny ears...
He makes a pretty handsome little bunny! For some reason we had to wait FOREVER for his meds, so we walked around and looked at the balloons. Since he was such a good boy, mommy bought him this one.... he says "my balloon is smiling at me!!".

(He also got some toy Dinosaurs... Daddy busted me when he saw them in the bottom right corner of this pic. OOPS!!)

(and yes his hair IS getting super long, we tried to grow it out for an actual "style", but it grows way to fast, and is getting curly!!! I think its time mommy buzzes it again!)

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