Friday, April 10, 2009

Coloring Easter Eggs

Last night we got the crayons, dye, and stickers out and colored easter eggs. We had about 4.5 dozen, and Coop only dropped one egg. And when I say "dropped", i mean, he held it over the floor, and dropped it. Cooper is a bit of a speed egg color-er. And he has absolutely NO patience for waiting until the color is nice and bright. We took LOTS of pics, here are a few...
He really liked using what he called "the hook thing" to get the eggs out of the tubs. He had dye EVERYWHERE.
Looking back at these pics I realize that 4.5 dozen eggs may have been a little too many.... NAW, Cooper, Grandma, Daddy and I had a blast coloring them. This one is a good action shot... he's concentrating so hard!
he used his hands most of the time to "drop" the eggs. And the funny thing is, his hands didn't even turn colors, but mine did.
Coopers face in this picture cracks me up. Its a little fuzzy, but too funny to not post...

**If you are wondering why his cute little face looks so rough-- he's apparently allegic to SOMETHING, we just have no clue what. His entire body is one huge rash. Then the other night he had an accident with his bike, flew over his handlebars, and landed on his face. Poor guy. The plan was to get his pictures taken since we haven't done it since his 1st birthday, guess those pics will have to wait!!

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