Wednesday, January 21, 2009

South Florida Vacation

Thursday January 15th, we left home at 7pm, jumped on 75, and headed south. WAAY south. Cooper watched Racecars (Cars) on the "Big TV" (daddy's laptop), and finally passed out in the car at 11pm. It was a late night for the little booger. At midnight, Daddy and I decided it was time to stop, so we got a hotel room at the Best Western in Ocala, FL. Cooper was NOT a fan at first, saying, "my don't want to sleep in that bed", but evenutally feel asleep in his very own (and first) hotel bed. Here is a pic of him sitting on the end of the bed the next morning...

He was so cute, but this pic takes the cake: daddy and coop walking out of the hotel with their suitcases in tow
After a quick bite to eat at Cracker Barrel, we were off for the remaining 3 hour drive to Punta Gorda. Cooper thought it was cool to watch movies in the car, so he watched a few more. Our trip down there was only 7.5 hours total drive time- Not bad!! When we got to Punta Gorda, we ran into Wal-Mart to grab a life jacket (we KNEW there was SOMETHING we forgot at home!!). Cooper had Tiffanie "Coconut Fishing" with him for a good part of time we were there
The little man LOVED to make a big splash, he had a few that were so big he actually got wet. After awhile, Tiff told Coop that they had to wait till the ones he threw in went away before they could throw more in the water. Beleive it or not, cooper actually sat and watched - patiently waiting for the coconuts to float away.
After a while, he got bored, and moved onto something else. While we were there, Cooper caught his very first fish with his Spongebob pole. He was SO excited!
This is the picture I took of Cooper and his fish- Cooper fell off the cooler on the boat, landing IN the boat-
Great action shot! Poor guy! Thank god Tiffanie was standing next to me snapping pics as well, hers came out MUCH better

I wish I would have gotten a pic of Cooper holding bait. Daddy asked Cooper if he wanted to hold the bait shrimp- Coop of course, is up for anything at least once, so he holds out his little hand, Daddy drops the shrimp into it- Coop drops it, runs to the opposite end of the boat, JUMPS onto the bench, and says "My don't like that guy!!". The rest of us sitting up on the dock couldn't stop laughing! When asked what the shrimps name was, coops reply was "Scary". Guess that will be the last time he will be holding a shrimp.

I caught some AMAZING pics of the sunset. The brightest colors I've seen in a while

and Tiffanie took a family pic of us as wellHere is a pic of Cooper and his cousin, Red - they were playing dead. Pretty good huh?!
Gotta love Cobb County School System desks!! It was the perfect place for Coop to eat some lunch!!

(He was also giving himself kisses in the mirror~ sorry about Coop lip prints Tiff!)

There was also some entertainment when Pops went with the neighbor on his brand new sailboat- all i gotta say is, that was HILARIOUS! =) Cooper sat with me at the end of the canal- the perfect spot for picture taking. This kid is such a goofball. He takes after his daddy.

Tiffanie and Cooper--- saying BAAAACON!!

There are ginormous boats all around the canal, this is a pic of Cooper in front of the neighbors

We had a fantastic time in FL, the weather was awesome everyday with afternoon highs of around 72*. PERFECT weather! Our commute back took us 9 hours- damn traffic. Cooper went through movie after movie after movie. He started out on our little portable DVD player. But after only 10 minutes into one movie, from the backseat comes this cute little voice "My wanna watch the BIG TV!". Spoiled kid. He was completely quiet during the entire drive, except for the occasional giggle.


Trav said...

It was a great time watchin him catch his first fish! :)

Ashleigh said...

That picture of him sitting on his hotel bed is soooo cute!! He's getting to be such a big boy. Way to go with the fish big guy!!

Anonymous said...

fun times! now travis all you have to do is get coop a fishing license and a vest and hat and yall are good to go!!! by the way that picture of the sunset is badass!!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!!!!! Coop really is too darn cute!!!