Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Yesterday, Cooper and I were on the way home, and Coop wanted to call daddy. (I've got this badass bluetooth thingy for my phone so my lazy ass doesn't have to hold the phone to my ear, Anyways, Cooper LOVES to call Daddy on it, even though he becomes a mute child when we call him.)

So Daddy and I are talking and we hang up.

Coop: Whats wong wif daddy?
Mommy: Whats wrong with Daddy? Nothing is wrong with daddy. Why do you ask?
Coop: I yuv (love) Daddy. He's a nice guy.

Coop-man is so cute. OH, and I forgot to mention that while this little conversation is going on - he had taken off his shoes and socks, and was wearing his socks on his hands like mittens.
What a nut.

1 comment:

Trav said...

YEP!! i'm a Pretty nice guy! :)