Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Kindergarten Orientation

I cannot believe Cooper is starting KINDERGARTEN in a few short days. It seems like just yesterday he was crawling all over the place. We are so very proud of our little guy!! Yesterday we went to Abney Elementary to meet his teacher; Mrs. Torres. We even found his name on the wall!!Once we got into Mrs. Torres' classroom, we had to fill out some paperwork - and even Cooper had something to sign!And he got a treasure box (as you can see, pictured above). It contained some stickers, pencils, a notepad and a monocular! Cooper and Mrs. Torres talked about their shoes (of COURSE) as well as their pets. Mrs. Torres has 3 teenie tiny dogs, and Cooper told her he has a dog that's as big as a HORSE! We talked to Mrs. Torres for quite awhile, then headed to check out the Media Center... Not sure what the hell Cooper liked about this book, cuz the Constitution sure puts Mommy to sleep!!Then we found our way to the Gym - the ONLY place Cooper is allowed to run at school. (And he DID run!)GOOOOO EAGLES!!!!(He's hard to spot in this pic, but I promise he's there!!)After that, we went across the hall to the Cafeteria, where they were serving Cookies and Lemonade. YUM! They also had all the different clubs set up; Boy Scouts (he can't join till 1st grade) and PTA to name a few. The "Family Fun" board caught Cooper's eye, so we stopped to check it out. He's looking forward to 'Movie Night' (on October 21st) and 'Family Dance Night - the 80's' (on February 10th)!!

Our official first day of school is tomorrow - August 3rd, and I'm pretty confident Cooper is going to have a blast. He's been excited for a few months now, so hopefully tomorrow will be no different. We've had a blast school clothes shopping and SHOE shopping. (I don't know what it is with this kid and shoes!!) We've got to get a couple more supplies tonight, but other than that, we're ready!! At this point, the plan is for him to ride the bus (he's been wanting to ride the big yellow bus for YEARS). However, if he changes his mind, then Mommy will drop him off. :)

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