Monday, October 5, 2009

The Fair... Part 2

Last thursday we headed back to the fair with Cam. Cooper had a grand ol' time, and had a permanent smile on his face the entire time. We started off the night with some deliciously not healthy Corn dogs. While we ate, we sat and watched the cloggers... Cooper was NOT impressed.

He wanted me to go up there and tell them they were being to loud. RIIIIIGHT.

After eating, Cooper was back on his kick of the "green thing", AKA the obstacle course. A disgruntled toothless little redneck was running the slide that night, and he was making Cooper walk on the bridges. DUMB. But like a good boy, he walked.

after a few runs on the obstacle course, we talked him into what I call, The Sack Slide. Mommy and Coop were up first, then Cam took Coop, then it was Daddy's turn. Here is a little video of our trip down the sack slide...
I think Cam was enjoying this ride more than Cooper was....
and last but not least, Daddy and Coop.... Cooper REALLY enjoyed this one...
Then back to the obstacle course...
He waited in line soooo patiently with the other kids. Although he was worming his way to the front of the line.
We ran out of ride tickets a few times. Coopers response to that - "Wets go buy some more!!".
Then, of course, he had to put his tickets in his pocket...

Here is video of Cooper on the obstacle course. He really does fly through it, however the douche in the Blue shirt in the video was making him wait in a few spots.

We cannot wait till the fair next year! HOPEFULLY Cooper will be tall enough to go on a LOT more rides!!

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