Thursday, September 30, 2010

FINALLY some cooler weather!

The weather here has FINALLY started to cool off. (Took long enough in my opinion!) Its been awhile since Cooper got to enjoy his trampoline and yard mansion. I told Travis that he needs to build me a swing so I can lay out there and read while Coop and Dallas play. I LOVE this weather!! Here are some pics I took... He LOVES his minnesota twins hat... not sure why it was sideways though.Dallas even enjoyed the weather with us.Cooper has been doing flips lately. This picture doesn't LOOK like it ended well, but it did - he lands on his back everytime. However he DID do a back flip once, but we put a stop to that. I kept trying to get some good pics of Dallas, but everytime I'd try to snap one, she'd run. Little stinker.Grandma bought her a BLINGING name tag. Its got rhinestones on it and everything! You can kinda see it in this pic...I must say, I sure do have a handsome little guy. Every time I look at pictures of him, it amazes me on how fast he's growing. I really wish he'd stay little forever, but at the same time, I've REALLY enjoyed watching him grow. He told me the reason his hands are in the air, is because "that's what big boys do". I asked him if big girls did that, and he quickly told me: "no, girls have to hold on so they aren't scared". Good thing we cleared that up.After we took a bath, Cooper RANDOMLY kept saying that he wanted a mohawk. Apparently one of his friends at school has one. Anyways, so Daddy and Cooper decided to google some pictures of mohawks. This pic cracks me up - they look like twins!!

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