Monday, July 26, 2010

Pool time!!

I don't know what we would do on the weekends if Grandma didn't have a pool!!! The temps reached 100 this past weekend, with heat indexes of close to 110!! YUCK!!! I cannot wait to be able to wear jeans and long sleeve shirts!!! This weekend was a bit of a pool party! Lee and Little Grandpa drove up, so we swam and cooked out allll weekend! Cooper has become quite the swimmer. He now jumps off the side all by himself, with OUT anyone catching him.
He forgets to close his mouth most times, but he's learning. He learns things a LOT quicker when Brodey and Brock are around - he doesn't want them to do cooler things than him! Silly boys!
I must say, he does have great form!!
Cooper and Miss Lyla Beans
Such a cutie pie...
ALL the kids! They are even in age order, which they did all on their own!!
(L-R) Lucy Rae, Lyla, Brock, Cooper, Brodey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

super cute!!!! glad I'm missing the weather there!

and you should really have another one...just as cute as Coop....I mean you can't expect Ashleigh's to do all the work. LOL....hehehehehe Just teasing Lyndsay!
(about having another do have a cute kid)